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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Trish Stratus - 100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed DVD Review

Trish Stratus DVD Review

Apparently a wrestling rarity . I've checked around and I've found very few reviews for this , so I guess it's a rare review as well . The feature runs for 65 minutes . I knew nothing about Trish before this , so this is all new to me . I found this to be very entertaining . It shows her childhood , what she did before wrestling , how she got into wrestling and then the main feuds and moments from her career . There's also a nice non-kayfabe conversation between Trish and Stone Cold . I do have to say , the 65 minutes absolutely flew by and I wish it had been 2 hours long . I know people want this because it's rare , but you should also get it for the quality .  I'll give it  8/10 . 

There's a number of  'Trish Moments' named as follows :

Table Tip #1
Table Tip #2
Table Tip #3

HHH shows Trish wrestling holds

Talking to Mr McMahon in a hot tub

Stephanie McMahon and Trish fight dirty

Steve Blackman helps Trish change

House Tour

Internet Babe of the Year '01

Internet Babe of the Year '02

Raw Magazine Shoot

SummerSlam Commercial

Diva of the Decade

Much Music Awards

Mad TV

Lola Story

Terri Story

Ron Hutchison Story

Making of Trish Stratus : 100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed

Matches :

Trish Stratus vs Stacy Kiebler : Mud Match
From an episode of Raw . This is now the only Mud match that I have on DVD . I have absolutely no idea of how to rate this , so I'm just gonna leave it as ' Fun to watch ' .

Trish Stratus vs Victoria : Chicago Street Fight 
After watching the feature , I really want to see this match now . The first ever divas chicago street fight . This was a well paced , hardcore style match . It's over quite quickly with Victoria picking up the win . **3/4

Trish Stratus vs Jazz vs Victoria 
I'd put this as the second best divas match in Wrestlemania history . Good action throughout this match . A good triple threat match . Trish becomes the women's champion after a chick kick to Victoria . ***

Trish Stratus vs Jazz
From the UK Insurrextion PPV and is for the Women's title . This was a pretty good divas match , and it was long as well which was a nice treat . Jazz retains her title . **1/2

7.5/10 . A surprisingly good DVD here , with a great feature , fun special features and a few good matches . Recommended if you can get it .

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